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Internal Auditor
Internal Auditor

How built-in archive monitoring tools expedite and simplify the auditing process

Enforcing Policy
Creating an email and electronic file policy is only one part of achieving corporate compliance and maintaining internal controls. Making sure employees know the policy is just as crucial as creating the policy to ensure compliance, avoid legal complications, and manage corporate intelligence. Enforcing internal policies is becoming an increasingly visible problem, as many organizations, even the White House, have made the news for not adhering to policy.

An archive can help solve this problem by automating corporate policies. An automated solution will save employees and the IT department valuable time while ensuring corporate policies are followed. Employees will not have to sort and store their email and files manually. IT administrators will not have to manually archive emails and files from the central servers.
Enterprise Email Archive and Enterprise File Archive can do all this according to your company’s preferred schedule, retention time, contents, file type, file size, and other options.

Granularity is another crucial element to look for in an archive. MessageSolution’s archiving products are capable of applying a policy to all employees, to specific departments, and even down to the individual employee level. Highly granular designs allow administrators to leverage the most effective policies for a company. The archive’s retention policy, user access options, and storage parameters are easy for administrators to manipulate, giving each company the power to customize their archive to meet their unique requirements. To see how intuitive Enterprise Email Archive and Enterprise File Archive’s interfaces are,
sign up for free online demonstration.

Risk Management
Conducting internal audits is an important component of monitoring and improving internal controls. Even the best policy is ineffective unless it is carried out properly. When it comes to a company’s electronic records and email policies, the auditing process can be greatly simplified by utilizing email archiving and file archiving products that regulate internal auditing and provide support for human resources. Enterprise Email Archive and Enterprise File Archive minimize incidents of fraudulent activities, lowering the risk of unwanted exposure, lawsuits, or penalties.

Enterprise Email Archive and Enterprise File Archive
support internal auditing by providing a log of all archiving activity, as well as all search, access and retrieval activities. The archives send alerts to IT administrators, who can then inform management when a user has attempted to violate company policy. Although Enterprise Email Archive and Enterprise File Archive are thoroughly secure, it is still important for auditors and management to identify where violations would have occurred to address larger problems with the company’s internal controls. Auditors should review these alerts and the built-in activity reports to locate patterns of behavior and violations and make appropriate recommendations to management.

With MessageSolution Enterprise Email Archive and Enterprise File Archive, auditors can even do all this without assistance from IT staff thanks to the user interface’s intuitive, straightforward design. Contact MessageSolution or request a free online product demonstration.

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